My first ever book written as lead project designer is finished and out for presale now!
Sooty Beards is a mostly system-agnostic micro-setting that combines the earthy majesty of an ancient dwarf-hold with the hopeless decay of a dying North American coal town.
Among other things, it contains 8 diverse regions, 8 weird new critters for your simple d20 or TROIKA! game, a host of statless narrative items like screaming lanterns and steampowered sportballs, and a set of tables to ask What Used to Be Here? and What's Here Now? The city of Vesallberg is an old place, not haunted but marked down to the very bones by the memory of what's come before.
Also, there are drunk canaries who curse a bunch. I feel like that part can't be emphasized enough.
The zine can be bought standalone or bundled with a booklet of appropriate TROIKA! backgrounds, a print of the map (with art by our excellent Charlie AF), beard & skin oil by PlusOneXP, and even a felted dwarf figurine by my dear friend and cowriter The Lawful Neutral.
The book is 100% finished and there's no crowdfunding necessary. Presale goes until March 15th, at which point we start shipping. Digital copies will deliver instantly at that point.
I really hope you enjoy the book and its grim whimsy (grimsy, if you will). Heading this project was a big step in my what's-starting-to-look-like-a-real-career as a TTRPG creator.
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